Data Structure: Linked List
Data structure
In this post I will implement one of the most fundamental data structure in computer science – linked list. Linked list – is a dynamic sequence of linked nodes where each node composed of a datum and a reference to the next node. Lists, stacks, queues and many other data types can be implemented using linked list. There are several types of linked lists:
In this post I will implement the most frequent type – singly linked list. Let’s start with the definition of node:
Usually linked list has following functions:
- isEmpty() – to check whether the list is empty or not
- length() – to get the number of nodes in the list
- find() – to find existing node by value
- addAfter(), addBefore() – to add new node after / before the specified node
remove() – to remove existing node In more advance cases linked list can also have functions:
- addFirst(), addLast() - to add new node at given position
- removeFirst(), removeLast() - to remove existing node at given position
- reverse() – to reverse existing nodes
- copy() – to create deep copy of the existing list
- merge() – to merge given list with the current one
Instead of the specific functions addFirst(), addLast(), removeFirst() and removeLast() I will implement more generic addFromStart(), addFromEnd(), removeFromStart() and removeFromEnd(), where one can specify the exact position a node has to be added or removed. Also it’s worth mentioning, that my implementation heavily relies on a notion of a dummy (or sentinel) node.